OneTeamGov Wales
A group of cross-sector professionals in Wales organised a #OneTeamGovInWales event to expand the network. We believe One Team Gov can unite networks of people, support us to share skills and learn lessons from each others’ roles and area of expertise.
Read about how One Team Gov in Wales started
The first One Team Gov in Wales unconference took place on 22 January 2018 in Techniquest, Cardiff.
What happened at the unconference?
- Active involvement in building on the One Team Gov community from people in Wales who are passionate about reforming public services so they better meet the needs of citizens.
- An unconference format where
- we collectively set the agenda on the day
- people pitched a variety of discussion topics that they’re passionate about (1 minute pitch, no powerpoint, no sales pitches
the session grid at the unconference
Read Toby’s blog post for more information about pitching.
- Connections with people from all sectors doing innovative work for public services, finding and exploring new ideas to solve policy, delivery or improvement issues you are facing.
- A safe space to break down barriers between policy, delivery, design and technology.
How to get involved
We have a great mix of people from across public sector, private sector and voluntary organisations who meet up every Wednesday at 17:00. Register for the next meetup on our events page.
We also plan some breakfast meetups with specific topics. Keep an eye out on the events page.
To contact us please email or sign up to the One Team Gov Slack team and join the #oneteamgovwales channel.
Useful blog posts about One Team Gov in Wales